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Visit of Princess Anne to Lingard House, 1971

On the 26th May 1971, Princess Anne, accompanied by her Lady in Waiting, arrived at the Town Hall in Sutton Coldfield.

After signing the Visitors Book in the Town Hall, she met with representatives of Sutton and also of Warwickshire County Council and then took tea with them.

Subsequently, there followed a procession by car to Lingard Almshouses at Walmley, where the Princess unveiled a plaque in Lingard House, officially opening the recently completed flats and bungalows, together with a Warden’s Flat and Residents’ Lounge.

Also present was the Lord Lieutenant of Warwickshire and his party, the Mayor of Sutton Coldfield, Alderman Mrs E Dunnett, the Town Clerk, Mr John Paul Holden (also Clerk to the Sutton Coldfield Municipal Charities), and the Chairman of the Warwickshire County Council.

During her visit, the Chairman of the Sutton Coldfield Municipal Charities introduced the Princess to the Surveyor, the Architect and the Building Contractor involved in the scheme. At this point she was presented with a riding crop, as a memento of her trip.

During her time spent at Lingard Almshouses, Princess Anne also met with the Warden and several of the residents and was then taken on a tour of one of the new flats.

The visit concluded with the Princess and invited guests adjourning to Penns Hall Hotel for cocktails, followed by a meal.

Keith Jordan (Member of the Sutton Coldfield Local History Research Group).

November 2023


‘The History of Sutton Coldfield Municipal Charities’ by Donald J Field, Published by Brewin Books Limited, 2011.

Friday, 03 November 2023