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New Years Day for years has been the gathering of the Chavasses - at their good father's table and without exception I have been one amongst them. We dined 20 today, very flat: coming changes would intrude more present than the present blessings?? - it should not be so - poor Howard!
Xmas card - plus "A good wish from an old friend under a new device.
Newscutting - New Year wishes
Newscutting from Bishop of Chester plus "report says and report must be listened to that Mr Bellamy has bought a banner as motto and arms, what pl? with Heraldry is his crest - A Golden Fleece?
Charles Smith died. He was associated with the early history of Sutton and my childish recollections carrier postman and the "Chas Smith's Coach" he has been an authority for things past - his memory so good with a spice of humour that always made his stories entertaining - he was not clever - but always respectable and ready to help his neighbours. I never heard an evil word from or of him, and I believe he knew his God and trusted in his Saviour.
A woman named Clark dying near the Rectory a quartern measure bale of farthings were found under her bed - her own savings
Newscutting of
Rev. CD Newman
Newscutting of weather - 14 degs below freezing plus "from the above course, great suffering and privation added to and incurred by cost of provisions - subscriptions for bread and soup were dispensed - by a small price paid.
Newscutting of Lodge Anniversary - held at Mr Smiths New Road Tavern.
Prosperity Lodge of Odd Sisters
Sad calamity in Regent Park - 50 lives lost on the ice.
Mr and Mrs Addenbrooke opened their new drawing room by a ball for married and single juveniles; by a dinner to the Firm and Parson (Packwood). May they for many years enjoy their ??? and charming residence, and continue able and willing to enjoy and practice their well known hospitality.