Photo Page 18

Page 18


Mrs Bird as good as she looks, quite a character; died. Mother to Mrs Cull a worthy successor. Her husband (Barnaby) butler to Mr Perkins

1836 - Chas Smith ma(rried) Mrs Aldridge from the (?) went to live at Miss Pimlotts house, opposite which, and ? garden Miss Lucy Riland built her house at the (?).

Brentnall watchmaker set up a Bagatelle board at the Cup; which Mr Croxall informed against.

Davis given to ryming is author of these, and such like:-

"A Fox hunting Lawyer in Sutton doth dwell

"Who is known by the name of "Game Bagatelle"

"He went to the house of Tic-lac? so civil

"And swore he's send him and the Cup to the D.....l"

The table eventually burnt -

...Dear Sarah...

Having nothing better to do

I take my pen and write to you

Fairas the Rose, that blooms above,

And lovelier, still, art thou,

No-one thee can so well love,

As those, thy kindness know.

With motherly care thou me hath watched,

And with a vigilant eye,

Hath overlook'd both great and small,

In our large family.

If I've transgressed, which sure I have,

At heart I now repent,

And this is sent, oh, Sister dear,

From a true Penitent.

"Hoc scriptum est Anno Domini 1833 July 20thJohn's faithful muse.


A True Bill against Local Authorities

Lazy Longsides went out the measurers to try - "Adcock"

With Old Nick at his heels to a neighbour hard bye - "Sam Nichols"

He went to Old Snips, where the measures were short - "Tailor Bunn afterwards Brockas

And he pushed the ale about quart after quart,

They mended his weights, and went reeling away

Saying "That's a good fellow; no fine shall he pay.