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At dusk, and well befitted the deed, The Cross "Vain Emblem" - see pg 28, was thrown down by order (it was falsly said) of a Parish Vestry Meeting convened for the purpose; well might the man employed be told "Not to enter it in his book" but for the principle of the good Dr's note I would say, may it not be entered in some other book, against the so called members of this meeting (one bright exception*) Thos Wilkins - Rochford - Line - Jas Cooper - Hollis-King, Saxton, Packwood (Addenbrooke*)
"A fearful augury is the beginning for the end", the words of a good man, how far true, time will prove.
Mr Chavasse came to Wild, afterwards Wylde Green.
May 1
Great Exhibition in London. Hail, rain, snow and sunshine - weather for all nations.
Additions and alterations at the Driffold.
Mr Wm Smith took possession of Ivy House in additioin to his own.
Nov 2
Mr Garnett re-elected in opposition to Mr Bodington.
Jany 15.
Mr Perkins died - he was a gentleman of the old school - Guardian to my mother and Godfather to Vincent - succeeded by his son William.
Mr dear friend Mr Grundy died
At Bowdon, Cheshire
Sep 8
Mrs Packwood died, a good woman, beloved and honoured.
Mr Wm Perkins vacated his house going to what had been his Father's.
Gas Opened. A lecture in Town Hall by Mr George Bodington and fireworks. The Church a few houses, 4 lights in Town Hall and Police Station only lighted this year.
Nov 2
Mr Bodington - Warden (opposite side - see).
Mr. Yeld came to Mr Horton's house.
Nov 2
Mr Bodington Re-elected.
The Ready Croft cut for building, new road made and Mr Secker built the first house.