The document includes the following papers:
- Henry Brindley, Hairdresser, by Mike Hinson (19th c)
- Charles Adams and Reddicap Hill, by Janet Jordan (19th c.)
- The Butler Family, 1891-1927, by Keith Jordan
- The Railway Line through Sutton Park, by David Bramham (19th c.)
- Offences in the Park, by Betty May (19th/20th c.)
- That Hideous Terrace, by Roger Lea (re Lower Parade Area – 19th c.)
- Behind the Parade, by Janet Lillywhite (The Development of Victoria Road, Newhall Street, Queen Street and Holland Street – 19th c.)
- The Gibbons and Sacheverells at New Hall, by Albert Fentiman (15th – 18th c)
- A Look at Falcon Lodge, by Marian Baxter (19th/20th c.)